This page is a resource for students currently studying ESP.  Click on the links below for further information and websites.

UQ Orientation Week

Orientation activities and sessions for all UQ students.


This is your portal to access your emails, enrolment info (mySI-net) and the eLearning site (known as Blackboard). Make this a favourite on your computer.

Tips for ESP students studying externally

Some ESP courses are available via external or flexible delivery. If you are an ESP student studying externally, it is highly recommended that you read these tips.

Course timetables

When you become an ESP student, log-in to mySI-net to access your personal timetable. Alternatively, you can access the timetables without logging in by clicking on Guest Links > Course & Timetable Info, from the mySI-net homepage.

Academic Calendar

This calendar provides you with important information like examination periods, grade release dates and the mid-semester break.


This link takes you to the UQ Library homepage. You can log-in and access many research materials from home, search for books and check out the opening hours for libraries across campus.

Student Services

UQ Student Services provides a wide range of resources, activities, information sessions and workshops for students.

Examinations information

As an ESP student, you will sit exams just like a UQ student. Many of your questions can be answered by visiting the Examinations website.

Helpful contacts

You can search for organisational units and other contacts via the UQ Contacts website. If you are unsure of how to direct your enquiry, contact the ESP Coordinator - 

UQ terminology

As part of the ESP experience, you may come across university language which is unfamiliar to you. This dictionary can help you decipher this terminology.

Frequently asked questions